In Addition to Massage, I offer Inviting the Muse

art creativity empowerment muse self care Mar 12, 2023

I like to remind my massage clients, yoga students, and my blog followers that I offer more than massage therapy and yoga.

I am a very creative person, and have found that if I don't express creatively, it can effect my well being. So I have developed ways to keep my artistic inspiration in the forefront no matter what life throws at me. And it has seriously thrown some things at me in recent years, let me tell ya! But in the end, it makes me stronger and now I have a course I have designed for people who are ready to dig deep and reconnect with their creative side to live a more juicy and fulfilling life!

It's called Inviting the Muse -- Unleash Your Creative Flow. Check out the link to learn about it. If you feel called, sign up and join me! The web page says begins March 1, but that is the day it became available. It is actually self paced, online, over several weeks. You also will get to connect with other creatives and with me, in an online community affiliated with my course, so you go at your own speed, but you don't go it alone!

Here is the link:

Let's play and get creative!